- Prospect Heights
594 Vanderbilt Avenue, Brooklyn 11238, NY
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Reviews (4)
Date night restaurants with outdoor seating?
Bricolage is delicious and stylish, Olmsted is wonderful and Zaytoons has delicious middle-eastern food (not as fancy as the other too).Venue recs for a baby shower/engagement party
You can also stop by Zaytoon's on Vanderbilt and see if their covered backyard area will work -they by far had the best priced food options.Healthy, family friendly delivery and takeout
Three of our favorites are: The chicken meals from Pur Bird (come for the broccoli, stay for the mac and cheese!) The falafel sandwiches and lentil soup from Zaytoon's Everything Mexican from Chavella'sPSP Moderator Note
Discussed on our Baby Groups as a place to meet.