
Zatar Cafe & Bistro
Zatar Cafe & Bistro


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Reviews (5)

  • picnic birthday party

    Zatar on 8th Ave did a great spread for us for a park birthday recently! We needed vegetarian/vegan options.
  • Heated outdoor breakfast in Park Slope

    We had a terrific outdoor breakfast experience at Cafe Zatar, which was well-heated and delicious. I suspect they could accommodate a large group, but I’m not certain.
  • Bakery with outdoor space

    Zatar on 12th is a restaurant with delicious baked goods! (And outdoor space). Happy bday!
  • Shout Out Your Favorite Local Business!

    Don't forget Zatar who were new to the neighborhood and are a sweet family owned business.
  • Outdoor Dining - Where have you tried and what's been great (and safe)?

    -Not sure where you are, but we've been to 3 places on 8th Ave right by the park that had great side street setups in the shade that we enjoyed and felt were very safe: Cafe Flora, Zatar, and St. Eve's Cocktail Bar (it has a limited food menu - we got a pizza and appetizer - but the cocktails are the real draw, and they're amazing!). We've gone for brunch and early dinners (because we have a 13-month-old), so I can't speak to the later evening crowds.

