Yael Swica, MD

- Greenwich Village
30 5th Ave suite 1e, New York 10011, NY
See Map | Get Directions - villagewomenshealth.com
Reviews (4)
(Peri)Menopause Doctor
I love Dr Yael Swica. She helped me go from feeling awful to great as I went through the transition. She specializes in women and menopause and does no obstetrics. The only thing is she takes no health insurance.(Peri)Menopause Doctor
My perimenopause symptoms were a living nightmare. I got recommendations for Dr Yael Swica located in Greenwich Village on PSP and have been attending her practice for the past 4-5 years. She is thoughtful, caring and her expertise is Menopause. She prescribed HRT and some other lifestyle things that turned my life around and give me back my sanity. The only thing is that she doesn’t take insurance except for pap smears and other gyno exams. The first appointment is one hour and every 6 months I meet her for 30 minutes. I’m unsure how much her first appointment is now but it was $650 in 2017. The last time I had my 6 month appointment it was $300. Pretty Pricey! I searched high and low for a menopause doctor that takes Aetna but have been unable to find one in NYC. I met so many doctors who are completely ignorant and misinformed about menopause and HRT, it’s like a cruel joke. Nearly all OB-GYN are in the business of giving birth and that’s it.Seeking gynecologist for help with perimenopause
Dr Yael Swica was recommended to me on PSP. She specializes in menopause health and support. She’s empathetic and friendly. Her appointments are 30-60 minutes as there so many issues with menopause to cover. The only downside is you have to pay privately. I pay $350 per appointment. She takes insurance for smear tests, blood tests etc. drswica@villagewomenshealth.com Yael is located on 5th Ave & 10th St in Manhattan. She does in person and Zoom appointments.ISO: Recommendations for docs specializing in perimenopause
I highly recommend Yael Swica, Village Women’s Health, though she does not take insurance.