
William Lawrence Camp
William Lawrence Camp


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Reviews (1)

  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Center Tuftonboro NH How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 11 and 13 Review: We didn't do much research on camps and relied very heavily on the recommendation of good friends/neighbors. They have sent their two boys (a few years older than ours) for years. Their oldest was our youngest's counselor. One of the biggest selling points is that it's all boys and no electronics. They sleep eight to a (very rustic) cabin with counselors in separate rooms. The cabins have no electricity. There seems to a lot of good structure and a lot of freedom (with responsibility attached) which is how we try to raise our boys. They have tons of activities and go on optional overnight trips to nearby lakes and mountain hikes. Our boys learned sailing, waterskiing, survival skills, archery, riflery, and played lots of sports. They even make them take a shower every night which has never happened at home. The lack of communication (limited to USPS) was probably harder on us than them. But I think we're all better off for it. Our boys both complained a bit about the institutional food, but now they realize that they're a bit spoiled by what we feed them. They did find plenty to eat and enjoyed some of the special meals and treats. My boys reported that there's huge respect for the kitchen staff who are all Mexican (just like most of our restaurants here.) What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? It would be nice it if were a bit closer. It's a 5-1/2 hour drive from Brooklyn. Most of the kids are from Massachusetts but there are also quite a few from here, other states, and also abroad. There is a serious lack of diversity. I don't sense any intention behind this, but I would like to see more kids that look like me. (My own kids look a bit like me but not ethnically.) Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? The camp required a negative home test prior to drop off and monitored for symptoms throughout. They did have an outbreak of a cold that passed around, but the only camper who tested positive for covid arrived at camp with it and was properly treated.

