
Who's on First?
Who's on First?


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Reviews (3)

  • Daycare in Carroll Gardens Recommendations?

    Who's On First is a fantastic 2-5 year old program, again mixed ages. This one is fewer hours, either a morning or afternoon program. Our daughter also loved it for different reasons. Less feral / running around and more learning and projects, but through play.
  • Part-time morning-only preschool recs?

    We loved Who’s on First in Carroll Gardens!
  • Review from the 2018/2019 PSP Daycare, Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten Survey

    It’s structured, but very child centered. Lots of playing, singing, and art. It’s very intimate, with 2-3 teachers in each class (who are very kind). My girl seems to love it. I suppose the only negative may be how small her clsss is. Sometimes she’s annoyed at 3 of the 6 kids at once! About the facility: Has outdoor space, It’s so homey and intimate that they may offer these things if needed. They offer additional classes once in awhile. What would you change? I wish it was slightly longer. There’s a morning class s d an afternoon and they’re both 2 3/4 hours. 3 or 4 hours would be better for parents :).

