Tony Morris
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Reviews (3)
ISO: detail oriented trustworthy handyman
We worked with Tony Morris 347-581-6002 over the summer. He was recommended on this list. He moved custom blackout shades from our old apartment and installed them in our new place in the same building. He was very meticulous and did a really nice job, and I thought this rates were fair. He wore a mask the entire time. Would definitely work with him again!ISO: Apartment Renovation Help
I recommend Tony Morris, a handyman who does a lot of work around park slope. He painted our apt several years ago. He’s good at plastering and painting but not “fancy”... usually gives a very good price. Does other handy work stuff as well.Looking for Handyman recommendations
I recommend Tony Morris, he's done a variety of projects over the years for us, from painting to fixing broken doors, grouting tiles etc. He's not a "fast and cheap" kind of guy, rather he puts a lot of TLC into every project, often working extra until it's really finished. It's hard to say what his hourly rate is as he charges more on a project basis, however I have always felt he's quite reasonable. Tony Morris 347-581-6002