Tomek Klysz
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Reviews (1)
Great contractor recommendation
I often see posts on here looking for a contractor, so I wanted to recommend our contractor/GC and his crew, who are just finishing a gut renovation of our home. We started in January and are just wrapping up now, despite a total site shutdown this summer due to COVID. He and his crew worked so hard to make sure that we were still able to move into our home basically on the initial timeline, which is pretty unbelievable. His work has been top notch, he has a can-do attitude, reasonable prices, and they are all just kind lovely people. We couldn't recommend them and their excellent quality work more highly. As they're finishing up with us, they're looking to find their next project! If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. His name is Tomek Klysz and his number is 718-510-2360.