Startline Coaching

Brooklyn , Kings County
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Reviews (1)
Marathon Preparation Coach?
My husband and I have been training with Peter Helling from Startline Coaching for over 6 years. He is offering a marathon group training session which starts at the end of this month (targeting the Brooklyn marathon or races around mid-April) and he is really focused on strength/cross training which happens in Prospect Park in a group setting. He has several nutrition and pacing clinics throughout the plan which tackle both nutrition throughout the training plan and nutrition/hydration plan for the event. He has trained me for the two marathons I've done (one of which was 10ish months after giving birth), and my husband and I for several triathlons including a half Ironman. Not sure which race you are doing but if the upcoming group training session doesn't work with your timeline he also works one-on-one and does individual training plans. My husband will do his first marathon (Brooklyn) and is signed up for his plan and I am signed up for his winter biking plan even though I don't have a target race. What I love about his winter training plan is the motivation I get with the group and the structure it gives me since he plans not only the run workouts but also cross training and potential milestone races for the entire plan so there is no guesswork. He's super knowledgeable and always available to share the wisdom to make his athletes succeed. You can schedule a 30min call with him to talk about your plans and to get a sense for his way of working.