
Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy
Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy


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Reviews (3)

  • Review from the Spring 2023 Early Education Survey

    Review: The teachers were lovely - spacious classroom and indoor playroom (sensory room). Very communicative! We are a multi-faith family. 3K and Pre-K are religion-free as they are DOE program. Amenities: Has outdoor space, Has after-school options, Has early morning hours, Provides meals What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? We are sending our back child for UPK.
  • St.Joseph the Academy 3k Review/Advice - Has anyone attended?

    My daughter has been at St Joseph the Worker for preK3 and preK4 and has been very happy and has learned so much. Happy to answer any specific questions as I know families and kids look for different things. Her teachers have been so caring and kind and we get great pics and videos from their amazing days. She loves going to school and talks about her teachers and friends all the time. The school is well organized and very communicative. We are a biracial family and found it more diverse than many of the area schools as well. They have lots of physical space which is generally nice but was a huge asset in Covid. I’m so glad we chose SJWCA and am happy they can offer the universal programs now.
  • 3k programs???

    My son went to St. Joseph. It was affordable, the staff was very caring, and the older kids really looked out for the little ones. There wasn’t any religious instruction at that age, if that’s a concern for you as it was for us. My son only went for one year but it was well worth it. By the time he got to k280 he was an old hand at being in the classroom.

