
Speakeasy of Strength
Speakeasy of Strength



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Reviews (5)

  • Personal Training/Trainers/Gyms

    A huge +1 for Coach Fury and his team!
  • Personal Training/Trainers/Gyms

    I rarely post recommendations, but I started working with Coach Fury (the owner), Coach Wagon, and Coach Chris at the Speakeasy of Strength a couple of months ago and they have been great. I'm in my 50s and broke my arm earlier in the year and was looking for somebody to gently ease me back into shape. All of the coaches I've worked with there have been supportive and adjusted workouts based on what I could (and couldn't) do. They are a small independent storefront gym on 3rd Ave and 12th St and while I've only done personal training, they also offer small group classes which are more affordable. If they aren't too far away from you (makes it easy to go) you should check them out.
  • ISO: In-person group fitness class, in/around Park Slope

    I've been working out at Speak Easy of Strength since July: . Over the summer / fall I was doing personal training outdoors and then as it got cold I switched to indoor and eventually to their semiprivate training indoors, which is 3 of us indoors + the coach and others on zoom. The sessions use kettle bells, TRX, sandbags, body weight, etc. When I started in July I was way, way out of shape, I couldn't do a single push up. In no time it felt like not a thing to do 10 pushups. I've gotten really strong and in shape using their approach and it didn't feel like work, it was fun. I've been doing their 630am Wed session for a while, I'm not a morning person, so it's hard to get up, but i've never felt like omg I just can't do this today. Coach Fury's approach is healthy, realistic, and designed for real people. Coach Fury (the owner) and Coach Whitney are the two people i've worked out with and they are both delightful people as is everyone I've met there. It's a really fun, quirky, welcoming community. They have thorough safety protocols in place and a variety of session times on the schedule. I highly recommend!
  • Social Distance Personal Trainer

    They do a lot of kettlebell work but most importantly KNOW their stuff. I had lots of postpartum issues and going there working in functional movements was super helpful. There are women on staff, one who has a now 1yr... but also Coach Fury himself is great. The building is in Gowanus.
  • Where are the local business gyms you love?

    Recommended without full review, January 2020

