Sol Haber, DDS
- Brooklyn Heights
139 Clinton St, Brooklyn 11201, NY
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Reviews (1)
Wisdom Teeth Removal Recommendations
I just went through this with my 16 year old son. My son had 4 impacted wisdom teeth. Because of my experience with wisdom teeth removal, I decided to research all oral surgeons, in and out of network. After a consult with Dr. Sol Haber, we decided to go with him, he came recommended by my son's dentists and many people on this network. He is out of network and my insurance only reimbursed about 35% of what I paid. It was expensive and the 3D x-ray was not covered by my insurance. I later found out that my insurance has a cap on claims and I was way over that amount, my insurance paid out the max, which was less than the amount of the procedure. I prefer not to disclose the amount here, but can share if you send me a private email. Given the expense, the experience was awesome. My son had all four impacted wisdom teeth removed and decided not to be fully sedated so we with local anesthesia. He said he felt some pulling, but he had his favorite tunes on his headphone so was well distracted. Recovery was smooth and fully healed about 4 weeks. I would recommend him. The other in-network surgeon I would have considered was Dr.Chionchio, but he only removes two wisdom teeth at a time, my son is an student athlete with a full schedule, he did not want to go through the procedure twice. If time was not an issue, I would have gone with two visits.