Soccer Legion FC
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Reviews (3)
Soccer team with nurturing environment for an 8 year old?
My son plays for Legion and we have been very happy with them. They actively discourage any parent sideline involvement and often send reminders of appropriate/acceptable/recommended parent conduct. The communication isn’t great (some would say less than great- although not me) but has been better this year after a lot of parent feedback. We have been very happy with the coaches, who focus on developing a love of the sport & think about long-term happiness as a soccer athlete rather than “winning every game” per se. Of course, it is still competitive but overall, has been a great experience for my son so far. They practice at BK Bridge park and Dean St playground right now & home field is jj byrne.Soccer for toddlers?
Also, my 8 year old participated in Soccer Legion last summer and stuck with it for the travel team and they've been camps til school starts?
My son loves Soccer Legion Fc and they have a week or two more of camp in Cadman Plaza or Mount Prospect park.