Scott Brewster, CFP, MBA
- Park Slope
Carroll Street & 5th Avenue, Brookyn
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Reviews (11)
Seeking Financial Advisor - not commission based
We highly recommend Scott Brewster,! He’s a Park Slope parent, super nice guy, and extremely knowledgeable about all things money. We’ve used him for several years, to manage our investments and to guide us in the right directions, and we trust him implicitly.Financial advisor recommendations?
Scott Brewster is a Park Slope native who does very straightforward work. He does not work on commission so has no conflicts of interest. I recommend him.Re: ISO: financial planner
Ditto on Scott Brewster. Love him!(no subject)
I highly recommend Scott Brewster. He is smart, thorough, understanding and takes the time to explain things in a very clear way. We met with a bunch of folks before choosing Scott and have been very satisfied. He charges a flat fee which included follow up questions, etc... I like him as a person and advisor and trust him. He is really excellent. August 2012(no subject)
We have worked with C.E. Scott Brewster, CFP, MBA, EA. He’s local, he’s independent and he’s knowledgeable about everything from life insurance to 401(k)s to gearing up to buy a house to saving for college and more. He can be reached via email -- subject)
I highly recommend Scott Brewster of Brewster Financial Planning as a Financial Advisor. (July 2011)(no subject)
I recommend Scott Brewster. He is based in Park Slope and I know you wrote that Manhattan would be best, but he is excellent. My husband and I saw him about three years ago and when we implemented his financial advice, we saved a lot money which ultimately paid for his fee. He did a free phone consultation with me prior to purchasing his services. Also, when we met with him, he gave us binders with a comprehensive profile of our finances and all of his recommendations. (Jan 2011).(no subject)
I have used Scott Brewster for investment counsel, and as a savvy money person, he might be able to help you with your budgeting needs, but he is more of an investor by training. (Recommended March 2010)(no subject)
I recommend Scott Brewster who is not affiliated with anyone and works for a fee. If you call him, he will give you a free consultation and estimate. His fee paid for itself with all the money we saved by changing our investments. (Recommended 2/10)(no subject)
I second (third?) Scott Brewster. We're freelancers and he's comfortable in that arena as well. However, his forte is in Planning/Investing. When it comes to doing a family/freelancer's taxes, he'd referred us to a CPA that we now use and like just great. (Recommended 12/09)(no subject)
I recommend Scott Brewster of Brewster Financial Planning. He is independent and his services are objective and based on your need sand financial profile. He won't try to sell you anything. (Recommended 12/08)