Sapna Chaudhary, DO - Flatiron Family Medical

- Flatiron District
12 West 21st Street, 6th Floor, New York 10010, New York, New York County
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Reviews (3)
Concierge MD recommendations?
Dr. chaudhary is SO good. She’s patient, thorough and also will work hard to squeeze you in if needed. She responds to messages nearly right away and remembers everything. She is comfortable prescribing medication if needed but also will recommend some natural options like exercise etc when appropriate.Concierge MD recommendations?
Dr. Sapna Chaudhary at Flatiron Family Medical has been my doctor for nearly 20 years! I followed her from Beth Israel, and she’s amazing. I also love supporting a female founded business now that she’s off on her own!ISO: Concierge Doctor
We love flatiron family medical. We followed dr Sapna Chaudhary from my Sinai and can’t say enough good things. She replies immediately to emails, books same day virtual appointments and even gets back to you in the evenings and weekends. Her office is beautiful, and her level of care is amazing. She’s the best!