
Sally Kwa, MD
Sally Kwa, MD


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Reviews (1)

  • PCP who can help navigate a possible autoimmune disease diagnosis

    Sally Kwa at NYU helped me so much through this! After 2-3 years of being written off by every doctor/specialist (and probably closer to a decade of unexplained symptoms), Dr. Kwa was the first to actually listen to me. She tested for everything under the sun. As it turned out, my results for some of the inflammatory markers of autoimmunity indicated I should be seen by a rheumatologist so Dr. Kwa made a referral. I then began seeing Olga Petryna who is in the same building. It took a while but I finally received a proper diagnosis and have been under Dr. Petryna's care ever since. They are located in Manhattan at 355 W 52nd Street. In 2018/2019 it was about a 3 month wait to get in with both doctors as a new patient, but worth it.

