
Rasa Zarnegar, MD
Rasa Zarnegar, MD



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Reviews (2)

  • ISO: Surgeon for cholecystectomy

    I second Dr. Zarnegar. When my MIL needed a cholecystectomy, a GI doc I respect and work wtih frequently recommended him.
  • ISO: Surgeon for cholecystectomy

    I am a nurse at NYP Cornell in their recovery room/PACU (taking care of people directly after their surgery before they go home or get admitted to a floor). I HIGHLY recommend Dr Zarnegar. He's an amazing surgeon but also is one of the only doctors that makes a point to see all of his patient's post op (shockingly this is not a normal thing attendings do--in teaching hospitals if you get a post op check by a physician at all, it's typically done by a resident). He also takes his time to explain things and I've never witnessed him seeming to be in a hurry when he's with a patient talking to them about things.

