
Ras Plant Based
Ras Plant Based


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Reviews (10)

  • Brooklyn Ethiopian Restaurant recs?

    Ras is also great as someone else noted, but is a vegan spot so obviously won't have any of the traditional meat dishes.
  • Brooklyn Ethiopian Restaurant recs?

    Ras Ethiopian is also really good!
  • Recommendations for Vietnamese or Ethiopian food?

    I also love Ras!
  • Recommendations for Vietnamese or Ethiopian food?

    Ras Plant Based for Ethiopian!
  • Recommendations for Vietnamese or Ethiopian food?

    Ras Plant Based Ethiopian on Franklin is terrific. Pricey but delicious.
  • Vegan Restaurants in Brooklyn

    We very much enjoyed Ras (and what a fun location on Saturday night to walk from there around the Grand Army Plaza!).
  • Vegan Restaurants in Brooklyn

    Ras Plant Based Ethiopian on Franklin is so so good. We are not vegetarians or vegans but go there 70% of the time we eat out.
  • Best vegan take out & delivery to South Slope

    Ras - Ethiopian, menu entirely vegan
  • Healthy, family friendly delivery and takeout

    Also a big fan of Ras here! They opened right before the city shut down for COVID, so show them some love. We love everything there, especially the kitfo and fassolia.
  • Healthy, family friendly delivery and takeout

    And for a delicious vegan dinner, definitely try Ras Plant Based- a new Ethiopian restaurant (just get the sampler platter).

