Prospect Bar & Grill (South Slope)
- Park Slope
545 5th Avenue, Brooklyn 11215, NY
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Reviews (5)
2020 Birthday Party Survey response
Recommended without review2020 Birthday Party Survey response
The venue provided a brunch buffet which was excellent.Belated Thank You for MTG party space ideas
There are lots of restaurants like Prospect Grill and Sidecar in (south slope), that have small garden areas with big tables that they might be willing to give you for a private party. If he doesn't mind having his party outside, these are good options.Mommy Meetup Up Spots
Prospect Bar and Grill (though they are a little jerky)Mommy Meetup Up Spots
On Fridays, some mommies were also meeting at Prospect Bar in South Slope but as my son gets older it's getting more difficult for him to be in the carrier for so long. But they have a lot of space for strollers and a changing table. However, I may schedule a playgroup at my house on Fridays so may end up hitting up Prospect on another day, possibly Wednesday or Thursday.