Park Slope Copy Center
- Park Slope
123 7th Ave, Brooklyn 11215, NY
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Reviews (2)
Where to get engineering prints or inexpensive big posters printed
I would recommend the Park Slope Copy Shop on 7th Avenue near Carroll. I am not sure if they do those prints, but they were really great when I used them to print a photo for a memorial service, and I very much preferred them to the Staples in Westchester I used for a different memorial service (which I had to choose due to location). If I remembering correctly the photo was an odd size and PSCS tweaked and did a free reprint so it would be perfect, even though technically it was my error. They also do a lot with local schools. (January 2020)ISO high quality printer same day in slope
My husband uses Park Slope Copy Center 7th Ave between President and Carroll St!