
Parilla and Gellman
Parilla and Gellman


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Reviews (3)

  • ISO: Recommendation for Immigration lawyer for spouse sponsored green card

    We also used Parilla and Gellman though we saw John Parilla. He helped with both phases of my husband’s green card and even helped us with a tricky situation when our second interview was inconveniently scheduled during later stages of my high risk pregnancy. He was easy to reach with questions and went out of his way to help things go smoothly. The fees were considerably lower than elsewhere and he came personally recommended by a friend of the family.
  • ISO: Recommendation for Immigration lawyer for spouse sponsored green card

    We used Lance Gellman from Padilla and Gellman and he was wonderful to work with. He helped us through obtaining my husbands green card and the renewal period 2 years later
  • Immigration Lawyer for Adjustment of Status

    My husband and I used Lance Gellman at Parilla and Gellman. They are located in the city in midtown but Lance is wonderful to work with.

