
P.S. 321
P.S. 321


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Reviews (2)

  • Review from the Fall 2021 Early Childhood Education Survey

    Type of facility: Kindergarten Review: We're very happy with PS 321. My son seems to be learning a lot. He's also become more open to trying new things. If I had to do it over again, I would definitely send my child there. What amenities does the facility provide? Has outdoor space, Has after-school options, Has early morning hours, Provides meals What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? It's a big school so drop off and pick up can be overwhelming. There are benefits to the large size (more resources). But it is an adjustment. Is there anything you would like to add about how the school handled the pandemic? I think the've handled it well. My son eats lunch and snack outside every day (weather depending). They've been strict about masks. Communication has been good. We know when there are cases in the school and how many.
  • 2019-2020 Year Review

    In my opinion, PS 321 is worth the hype, and I'm glad we stayed in the zone. The co-teachers in the ICT classroom are very dedicated and have great lessons plans, my child has learned a ton, earlybird is a helpful service, and the administration has been responsive. The PTA is very large, and there are many events to get to know families throughout the year-- which is helpful as it is a big school. … About the facility: Has outdoor space, Has early morning hours, Provides meals

