Ora Pearlstein, MD

- Manhattan
Downtown Primary Care, New York
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Reviews (4)
Adult Health, Mental Health & Healing Reviews Adult Health, Mental Health & Healing Reviews from 2018
I wanted someone affiliated with NYU who was experienced and (preferably) female. I also wanted a doctor who had an MD, not a DO, and was non-alarmist, well-versed in current topics and fairly traditional in how she handles care yet open to certain types of alternative pain treatments, e.g. acupuncture. Dr. Pearlstein fits the bill. I feel like she listens to me, she follows up, she uses technology (they have a great patient portal) to make my life easier and wait times are almost zero. Lastly, she is very conveniently located to my office. BlueCross BlueShield PPO and I've had zero issues.Primary care physician
We see Ora Pearlstein, downtown medical, she’s lovely and low key.(no subject)
I want to second Dr. Pearlstein. I see her and so does my husband. She is kind, low-key in a reassuring way, and their office not terribly crowded. (September 2011)(no subject)
I to to Dr. Ora Pearlstein at Downtown Primary Care in Manhattan. They take BCBS and she's a park slope mom. Here's the website: http://downtownmds.com/ (September 2011)