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Reviews (1)
Handyman extraordinaire!
I would love to recommend my handyman. He is my dear friend's cousin. His name is Odel and he and his wife arrived recently seeking asylum from Cuba. In Cuba he renovated his entire home with the supplies on hand and is so resourceful and takes great pride in his work. He repaired and tiled my awful deteriorated cement basement floor (beautifully!), put in a new kitchen floor, painted multiple rooms and put in new molding strips. Whatever I ask he finds a solution and is always friendly, considerate, hard working and a joy to have around. Feel free to reach out to him directly to him at 786-829-0711. His English is good but anything we couldn't figured out we used google translate or occasionally called my friend (his cousin) to figure out some complicated detail. She is more than happy to help when needed! I can't tell you how happy I was to have him tackle these projects that had been on my list for YEARS!