
Ochs Orchard (Apples, Peaches, Vegetables & Berries)
Ochs Orchard (Apples, Peaches, Vegetables & Berries)


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Reviews (3)

  • ISO family farm for apple picking

    We recently had an awesome time at Ochs Orchard in Warwick. It was surprisingly un-mobbed and had really nice picking areas as well as a little farm store and area where you can pet animals. It was very charming and relaxed compared to other pick your own places I’ve visited in years past.
  • Apple picking by car

    There are many places in Warwick, NY that we’ve visited and enjoyed! This is one of them
  • Re: Apple picking

    We went to Ochs Orchard in Warwick today and liked it even better than Maskers. Bigger / better apple selection, amazing views and a cute shop. There is a barn with a few animals, but nothing to write home about.

