Noah Plener and Tamara Abir - Compass

Brooklyn , NY
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Reviews (2)
Real Estate Agents: Shout them Out!
I just worked with Noah Plener and Tamara Abir at Compass for both the sale of my condo as well as a new purchase and had a wonderful experience. Both are lovely people (they are brother and sister) who live Brooklyn with their families and know the neighborhoods well. They were excellent at finding creative solutions to various problems we had and able to move things along when our buyers starting acting weird and being non responsive. In addition we took advantage of the compass concierge program where the company covers the outlay to get your place ready for sale (in our case painting and staging) with the costs taken off the back end, interest free. This was a great perk because we didn’t have a bunch of cash lying around to make the apartment look nice before selling.Real Estate Agent Reccs for BK
We've been super happy with our brokers, Noah Plener and Tamara Abir with Compass. They are a brother-sister team who both live in Brooklyn and know the market very well. We also used the Compass concierge program in which Compass paid in advance to paint and stage our apartment for sale, it comes off the backend after the sale closes, with no interest. It's a great offering since we didn't have to go out of pocket to get our apartment ready for sale.