Nike Basketball Camp

- Clinton Hill
212 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn 11205, NY
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Reviews (2)
2018 Summer Camp Reviews
Summer 2018 Review: Our son loved this four-night/five day camp. The camp had a mix of ages and skills. They play basketball all day long, so it's perfect for the kid that wants to improve basketball skills, but also have fun. The kids stay in dorms at Trinity College. The campus is safe and secure and the facilities are adequate (not luxury, but certainly nice!). The counselors are the right mix of attentive, but not too intrusive, as we would expect for campers of this age (teens). Our son said the food was "pretty decent," but that we could have packed him more snacks. The camp was very organized and structured and all in all, a great experience for our son. Age of child: 15 What would you change about the program, if anything? Nothing.2018 Summer Camp Reviews
Summer 2018 Review: Good skill training Age of child: 10 What would you change about the program, if anything? Little actual game play