Nabil Rezk, MD
- Bay Ridge
7510 4th Ave, Brooklyn 11209, NY
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Reviews (2)
Psychiatrist that excepts GHI/Emblem Health
I saw Dr. Nabil Rezk in Bay Ridge. He accepts GHI and he was a capable doctor. He’s a little old school, but I found him to be very helpful during a very dark period of depression. He is very careful/conservative with meds, but I appreciated that he listened to me and adjusted when necessary.Re: [ANONYMOUS] Recs for psychiatrist for meds, NOT therapy
I see a Dr. Nabil Rezk in his Bay Ridge Office. I also have GHI, found him randomly on ZocDoc after having some difficulty locating a provider on the GHI website. Went there about 3 months post partum for depression/anxiety, and he restarted the meds I took several years ago. I saw him monthly at first, now every other month. Hopefully we will move on to every 3 months. It's a standard psycho pharm appt, a little longer the first time, maybe 15 minutes for follow up appts. He has office hours on Saturday. My copay is $15- good deal. His office is a little lackluster but it's convenient for me. I actually would like to be in weekly psychotherapy but sadly don't have the time to commit as a new mom. Best of luck, hope you find someone that works for you.