
Minard's Family Farm (Apples)
Minard's Family Farm (Apples)


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Reviews (2)

  • Re: Pumpkin Patches and Apple Picking?

    We usually go to Minard farms (partly because it is close to my sister-in-law's house). They have wonderful fresh made cider donuts, lots of kid activities and a corn maze, they also have pretty basic food for lunch (but you could also go to New Paltz for better options) and grown up beverages including local hard cider. I'm not 100% sure if they have hot cider but they definitely sell their own cider so it's possible....!
  • Woodstock farm animals and pumpkins

    We were in Woodstock a few weeks ago and had a great time with the kids at Minard's Family Farm, which is in the area. Their apple selection is excellent, some of the best Empire apples I've ever tasted, plus tons of great outdoor activities. The kids were in heaven:

