Melissa Kotlen, IBCLC
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Reviews (3)
Tongue tie vs torticollis
As for lactation consultant - Melissa Kotlen is my hero. She’s not judgemental, she’s knowledgeable, and soo very much available when in need. I’m not sure she’s still working as a lactation consultant because she is amazing and with two grown kids went ahead and became an L&D nurse at mount Sinai but here’s her email and maybe she can guide you. I absolutely trust her with everything baby feeding related. Melissakotlen@gmail.comReview from the 2020 Birthing Experience Survey
She is now and L&D nurse at mount Sinai if that’s any indication of how amazing of a woman she is. She is the best lactation consultant i have ever had. Open minded, accommodating, accessible, just an incredible human being who passed no judgement on me at any point.2018 Review
I used Melissa Kotlen who I loved. I was literally calling, emailing, texting her into my 18th month of breastfeeding and she was awesome about everything from the initial first days to how to wean.