
Marlon Hernandez
Marlon Hernandez


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Reviews (5)

  • ISO of Tamale delivery

    Marlon Hernandez makes and delivers tamales locally. I had a friend order some for me (all vegetarian) when I was pregnant and they were amazing. I also got some mushroom empanadas. You have to text him to order: 718-414-9275.
  • ISO of Tamale delivery

    Text Marlon of Tamales of Hope! He makes excellent tamales and now pupusas too. Very reasonably priced and delicious and he’s a lovely person. His contact info can be found on his Instagram:
  • Shout Out-Tamale Delivery

    I have loved tamales for a long time and developed a big tamale addiction over the pandemic! I ordered many delicious tamales from Marlon. My personal favorites were the chicken with green sauce and cheese ones. He delivers them to your home Friday-Sunday morning and also offers pupusas and empanadas. Marlon (718) 414-9275 Tamales and empanadas will be delivered only FRIDAY, SATURDAY. PUPUSAS and EMPANADAS on SUNDAYS (NO TAMALES ON SUNDAYS) Enjoy!
  • Delicious Tamales Delivered!

    Just wanted to echo this recommendation- we placed our first order this weekend, and they were delicious! And Marlon was lovely. Great way to support a local entrepreneur.
  • Delicious Tamales Delivered!

    If you like tamales, you may like to know about Marlon Hernandez, who makes and delivers the best tamales I've ever had. I found out about him from a friend, who found out about him from a former colleague's instagram. He delivers all over the city on Saturdays and Sundays, beginning at 8am. Last orders for Saturday are on Thursday night; Friday night for Sunday. Ten tamale minimum. There's an option for a vegetarian filling (though I'm not sure the masa is vegetarian). They arrive hot and freeze well. He takes Venmo, Zelle, and cash. You can reach Marlon at 718 414 9275. No affiliation, just excited to have found a new source of delicious tamales!

