
Mark Lefkowicz, Esq. - Lefkowicz Law, PLLC
Mark Lefkowicz, Esq. - Lefkowicz Law, PLLC


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Reviews (3)

  • Real Estate Lawyer for Leasing Tenant of Commercial space

    I highly recommend Mark Lefkowicz of Lefkowicz Law, PLLC. He is extremely tough but also fair and will have a free consultation. His contact information is and 212 766-4042.
  • Review from the Spring 2022 SDS Survey

    Mark and Beth have been incredibly attentive, supportive and honest throughout this challenging process. Both being parents, and having extensive experience they just seem to get it, and have been relentless in continuing to problem solve and work for the best interest of myself, and my children.
  • Financial/real-estate/life advice for a new single dad

    We have done a bunch of work with Mark Lefkowicz ( and I really like him--very knowledgeable, communicative, kind. He specializes in family law and real estate

