
Lot 2
Lot 2
  • Park Slope
    6th Avenue, btwn 19th and 20th, Brooklyn
    See Map | Get Directions


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Reviews (6)

  • Supporting local restaurant— question

    Lot 2! I believe they are only doing contactless pickup. (I could be wrong) But they have delicious food and amazing cocktails. They are currently open Thursday to Sunday.
  • Family dinner out

    Second Lot2, exactly what you’re looking for and very family friendly-just don’t think they take reservations.
  • Family dinner out

    Lot2 in South Slope serves an amazing family-style supper on Sundays - really delicious and super kid friendly.
  • best burger in the Slope

    Lot 2 hands down. UNBELIEVABLE burger.
  • (no subject)

  • (no subject)

    The burger at Lot 2 (6th ave between 20/21st) is hands-down the best burger I've had in years. this is in no way a humble opinion :) i consider myself a connoisseur of burgers! totally gives Diner and DuMont a run for their money. Add to that that the proprietors are nice as could be and the service is charming, and you've got the best date night going!

