Little Purity (Park Slope - South)

- Park Slope
390 7th Avenue, Brooklyn 11215, NY
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Reviews (7)
ISO diner near park slope
Purity and Little Purity are our top picks. We also like Windsor Cafe and Grand Canyon.ISO diner near park slope
+1 for Windsor cafe and Little Purity, we love 'em both!ISO diner near park slope
one thousand percent little purity on 7th and 12th.ISO diner near park slope
Little Purity all the way!! Family-owned diner on 7th Ave at the corner of 12th. Huge menu, homemade soups, Mexican selections with homemade salsa, great salads, amazing French toast, breakfast classics, burgers, sandwiches, you name it. Everything is good and the service is super friendly. They will remember your name, the way take your coffee, hold your baby, etc. Our family’s favorite!ISO diner near park slope
I’m not sure if it actually qualifies as a diner, but my family loves Little Purity on 7th Avenue.Anyone delivering brunch?
Little Purity is delivering and they are amazing.OPEN: Little Purity and rainbows in South Slope
We have also been ordering from Little Purity and want to encourage others to also if they can!! We love this diner SO MUCH.