
Little Cupcake Bakeshop
Little Cupcake Bakeshop


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Reviews (5)

  • Review from the 2022 Party Survey

    Recommended without full review
  • Review from the 2022 Party Survey

    Brought Gluten Free cupcakes from Little Cupcake Bakeshop on Vanderbilt- one member of our family is Celiac
  • Birthday Cake Recos

    Recently we went more simply and got cupcakes from the Little Cupcake Bakeshop on Vanderbilt and they were a big hit.
  • Best Carrot Cake

    I love the carrot cake at Little Cupcake Bakeshop on Vanderbilt! No raisins in it. The frosting is to die for. They also have cupcake form.
  • Gluten Free and Dairy Free cakes or cupcakes

    The Little Cupcake Bakeshop on Vanderbilt has a cake (by the slice, I think you need to order if you want a whole cake) and cupcakes that are gluten free and dairy free.

