
Learning Steps Daycare & Preschool
Learning Steps Daycare & Preschool


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Reviews (1)

  • Review from the Spring 2024 Early Education Survey

    REVIEW: We love this daycare! My daughter started here 2 days per week when she was 13 months old. She's now 2.5 and goes full time. We will have to decide whether to pull her out for the 3K program she got into, but it's a tough decision because it's been such a big part of our lives. She has really thrived here socially. She just loves her teachers and her friends. The entire staff has been wonderful and loving to her, not just her direct teachers.; Amenities: There are 2-3-5 day options, and I believe half or full days.; What would you change? I wish they were part of universal 3-K!

