
Leah Matthews
Leah Matthews



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Reviews (5)

  • ISO: BIPOC Yoga Instructor

    I love my trainer, Leah Matthews, and she does yoga on her own and through Jewel City Yoga.
  • [CP] Fitness Tailored Just for You with Leah Matthews

    Another plug for Leah--I exercised with her while pregnant, post partum (she also held and soothed my infant while I exercised), and beyond. My husband joined at some point and became a pilates enthusiast when his chronic back pain really improved. She's knowledgable, kind and fun, and I highly recommend!
  • [CP] Fitness Tailored Just for You with Leah Matthews

    Also enthusiastically recommend Leah - I’ve been working out with her for six months, I found her based on recommendations here, and she’s been a life saver. I had been living with chronic pain for years when I decided to do something about it and hired Leah. I really like her approach of combining regular strength training with yoga and Pilates, and within just a few weeks I felt stronger and in less pain. Her zoom trainings have saved my sanity during this quarantine.
  • [CP] Fitness Tailored Just for You with Leah Matthews

    Just a little note to say that Leah rocks — I have been working with her since I was about 4 months PP (she held my baby while I exercised!) and our Zoom workouts have been my saving grace during this time.
  • ISO postpartum personal trainer

    I recommend Leah Matthews. She worked with me during and after pregnancy, and eventually my husband joined also. She even held and rocked our baby while we were training! Her number is 917-509-2848.

