
Lapietra - Patsy Messina
Lapietra - Patsy Messina



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Reviews (3)

  • ISO contractor for sidewalk repair

    We have used Lapietra contracting (Patsy messina) for indoor/outdoor work in 2013 and 2 of our neighbors used them for sidewalk repair, and I have been in touch with Patsy in the past year to do other work including on our stoop, they would be the first place I'd go to for a quote. The 2013 work was extensive including converting a window to a door, adding a door and transom, painting an outdoor steel deck, and pointing bricks (which happens apparently every 50 years or so), they did a good job all around. The city "fixed" our (non-broken) sidewalk a few years ago, charged us in the $2K range for the privilege (and didn't ask us first), and then messed it up not long afterward when some other road work was being done; I wished I'd gotten in Lapietra to at least try to use them, although I don't know if they would have been less expensive.
  • ISO Roofer

    We used lapietra (718) 439-1919 for replacing coping stones on our roof a month or so ago and I bet they could do cornices.
  • Reviews of/referrals to contractors - Home Renovation (summary)

    exterior contractor but they do interior as well, we hired them to take over our exterior work when another contractor became untenable to work with and they did a good job, hired a reputable painting subcontractor.

