
- SoHo
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Reviews (1)
High Holidays / plug for Lab/Shul
A few people have asked about Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur services without synagogue membership and I'd like to plug Lab/Shul. It's a non-traditional, artist-driven, experimental spiritual community for Jewish and Jew-ish individuals (and families). It doesn't have membership in the traditional sense (though our family is part of the "partnerhood"), nor physical location - this year's high holidays are at Hammerstein Ballroom with kids programming for ages 0-13. Lab/Shul is incredibly musical and thoughtful, combining traditional aspects with modern reflection. This year's post Kol Nidre event will be a discussion on climate change. There's also a livestream - including a kids livestream for those with early bedtimes for evening holidays. And they've committed to $36 tickets for those who can't otherwise afford it. Caveat that I haven't been to the kids programs, but I'm happy to answer questions!