
La Gran Via
La Gran Via


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Reviews (3)

  • Help! Can anyone recommend a place that does inexpensive 'Minecraft' themed birthday cakes asap!

    I second this suggestion. We just got a cake here with a specific design (not fondant) and they did it expertly and "cheaply".
  • Help! Can anyone recommend a place that does inexpensive 'Minecraft' themed birthday cakes asap!

    We got a delicious cake from La Gran Via in Sunset Park a couple years ago. We just did a "photo cake" for super sonic theme but I'm sure they could work with you. I believe they need at least 48 hours notice.
  • sheet cake for birthday party

    Delicious sheet cakes. We got all our bday cakes there when our kids were younger and their parties were larger. Our kids didn’t like buttercream - They have a whipped cream frosting that is dreamy.

