
Kos Kaffe
Kos Kaffe


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Reviews (4)

  • Phone booths / Coworking space??

    At times I like working from Kos Kaffee on 5th ave x Garfield . They have the high tables so you can also stand which is a nice change from sitting and you can easily step outside for a call while still being able to keep an eye on your computer and stuff.And the food is great! It can get busy though.
  • Re: Where's the best place for a freelancer to work from?

    Pros: internet, bathrooms, food, and a generally low-key vibe. Probably ok for phone calls. Cons: very few outlets, often crowded.
  • Re: [PSP] do computer centers still exist?

    Also Kos caffe on 5th Avenue & Garfield has a couple of computers where you can work off of and print
  • (no subject)

    Recommended by PSP Member without review

