
Kitab Learning
Kitab Learning


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Reviews (1)

  • ISO Writing Tutor for HS student

    My son was similarly challenged. He had a few sessions with F from Kitab Learning and hasn't looked back. We found F through one of the founders of Kitab, Ahmad, who had tutored my kiddo for the SHSAT. F does social media work in her day job and that was something that resonated with my kiddo so he was happy to work with her. We did not establish a regular once a week routine - knowing how my kid works best, I suggested they work together on assignments my kid had for school as needed. He did something like five sessions with her in early September, including a two hour one bc he just didn't want to stop working on stuff, and hasn't worked with her since then. He said she gave him the tools he needed to work on things on his own and his grades make me think he's right. So that's another plus - she's flexible in how she structures her partnerships with her students.

