Kirkham Raikes PLLC
- Financial District
75 Wall Street, New York 10005, NY
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Reviews (3)
Recs for excellent family insurance + estate planning contacts
We recently went through the process of estate planning and cleaning up our family insurance. I want to recommend two wonderful mamas who helped us - Kellan Goldberg and Vicki Raikes. They each own their own firm we first connected through HRP mamas group in downtown Manhattan, where they offer courses on the topics. They are both excellent to work with, will not sell you something you don't need and will guide you through the entire process.Estate Planning Attorney Referral/Recommendation
My wife and I were in the same position (estate-planning scramble pre-baby) and used Vicki Raikes. She’s great and reasonably priced, and we did everything over Zoom. She does a nice job explaining things in plain English, and makes sure you’re thinking about all the right things when drafting / revising estate planning docs. Victoria@kirkhamraikes.comRecommendations for an estate attorney
I highly recommend Vicki Raikes - She has her own firm in Manhattan.