Keeks Donaldson - iKeeksfit
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Reviews (2)
Personal Trainer Recommendations?
I just started working out with Keeks Donaldson (someone on the listserv recommended her) and she’s great! kewannadonaldson@gmail.comSocial Distance Personal Trainer
The last few months have been hard, I was in a real funk especially after baby #2 corresponding with COVID. Unmotivated- stressed. I’ve started working out in the park with a local affordable personal trainer and I can’t recommend more how great I’m feeling both physically and emotionally. I really missed the interaction and companionship of having someone else to work out with. KeKe is knowledgeable and trains you safely (she abides by Social distancing and wears a mask). I couldn’t recommend her more. If interested feel free to reach out to me and I can provide her contact information.