Kate Stein
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Reviews (1)
College essay support - recommendation
Just wanted to shout out an incredible resource for essay revisions as school application cycles ramp up. Last fall, I worked with Kate Stein to edit my PhD application personal statement and she was fantastic. She took my messy/barebones and helped me to bring out “main character energy” to tell my story in a way that I felt proud of. (And, I was accepted to the program with a hard to come by scholarship.) She is an experienced editor and was a huge asset to my application process. We worked together remotely and she was flexible to meet around my schedule. From what she’s told me, she has also worked with high school seniors on college admissions essays with equally impressive success. I believe she would be open to supporting other personal statement types as well (law school, med school, etc.) Please feel free to reach out to me with questions. To contact her directly, you can email at kfstein@gmail.com.