
Kate Lynch - Healthy Happy Yoga
Kate Lynch - Healthy Happy Yoga


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Reviews (4)

  • Private Yoga Instructor

    I highly recommend Kate Lynch! She is knowledgeable, responsive and so wonderful! Kate manages all kinds of needs within her classes and she is available for private yoga. She is just about to begin a new series of classes using the space at BAX on 5th Ave.
  • Healthy Happy Yoga

    Kate is a really wonderful yoga teacher, and has adapted several of her classes to online during the covid-19 crisis. I have been going to both a prenatal class and a self-massage/stretch class, which have both been beyond helpful during such an isolated pregnancy. (In non-covid times, catch her at the Prospect Park YMCA!!)
  • Prenatal/ parent+baby/ home YOGA Shoutout for Kate Lynch (

    I wanted to share a recommendation for a kind and thoughtful yoga teacher, Kate Lynch. I've attended her regular yoga classes at the 9th street YMCA, as well as prenatal yoga (my favorite, probably!) and also baby/parent yoga. In every setting Kate is attentive, patient, and provides helpful guidance while making sure that every participant is comfortable and doing what is right for their body. The prenatal yoga class was also such a sweet way to meet other expectant parents and build community/commiseration...and I still see many yoga buddies around the neighborhood! Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to hire Kate to teach a private class at a small event at our house, which made for a very special (and quite reasonably priced) event I will remember for a long time. I hope that others are able to join in her practice through her classes--you can also check out her website ( and podcast (Happy Healthy Yoga)! You can also email her directly: Kate also has a weekly email newsletter, teaches yoga in Cobble Hill as well as Park Slope YMCA, Armory and NYSC, leads yoga retreats, leads weekly meditation groups in Park Slope, offers private lessons, and has resources on mindfully parenting atypical kids. In a time of many frazzled nerves, yoga seems like something to help some of us stay centered and calm. Hope this info can be useful to some of you!
  • Yoga teacher for true beginner

    You might check out Kate Lynch -, She teaches at both Y's and also I think does private classes if you want. I've really enjoyed her approach and feel like she creates a great space for people to develop at their own pace. The 9:25am Wednesday class she teaches at the Armory would be good for someone just getting their feet wet with Yoga I think.

