Justin S. Boyd DDS
- Manhattan
515 Madison Ave #1616, New York , NY
See Map | Get Directions - www.drsboyd.com
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Reviews (1)
Adult Health, Mental Health & Healing Reviews Adult Health, Mental Health & Healing Reviews from 2018
I used to go to the Columbia Dental School private practice on the UWS. When my dentist (and a long time Columbia Dental professor) retired, this is the practice he and his family use. Justin is nice and personable and they have done an excellent job with all the basics (cleaning, periodic xrays to check on my implant, dealing with some long-existing gum recession issues) and they KNOW the industry and have a lot of specialists contacts, if needed. A really well-run practice. I have Delta Dental. My 2X per year check-ups are only partially covered but it's worth every dime in my opinion. My husband chose his practitioner based on only the fully-covered-by-insurance list and, while the guy he goes to is "ok" he admits that just about every dentist he's tried in NYC (he's on his third in 13 years) pales in comparison to my dentist.