Joanie Johnson
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Reviews (6)
Post Partum Fitness
I second Joanie Johnson - have only used for prenatal so far but a great support system and she has made me so much more ready for post than I was for my last pregnancy!Review from the 2020 Birthing Experience Survey
Joanie Johnson - pre/postnatal fitness coach - extremely knowledgeable, mindful, dedicated and an absolute sweetheart. She not only leads you through exercise classes but also explains what we are doing and why as it pertains to the pelvic floor unit and core. Very focused on pelvic floor and overall core unit strength, how to avoid and healthy diastisis ..Virtual prenatal workouts
You could consider Joanie Johnson, founder of the Fit Pregnancy Club. The gym is closed but she’s training clients virtually. She is a friend and I have not used her, but from her InstaGram, it looks like she’s really helping moms out there! Here is her LinkedIn: Here is the FPC website: prenatal workouts
I have personally worked with Joanie and she’s very knowledgeable and lovely! Believe she is doing virtual private sessions right now as well as weekly live classes.Virtual prenatal workouts
Joanie is greatVirtual prenatal workouts
I’ve been taking classes with Joanie Johnson, who specializes in pre and post natal and pelvic floor work. I think she’s really awesome and so knowledgeable. I am doing a few virtual private sessions with her ($75 each), essentially to make sure my form is right for other classes and work outs, but she hosts online classes as well that I think are $12. I think she was one of the founders of PFC. She posts classes on Instagram at joaniejohnson_. I’ve never been a huge fan of personal training, but really feel like a few sessions was worth it!