
Jessica Alger, LCSW, MA, CGT, CGE
Jessica Alger, LCSW, MA, CGT, CGE


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Reviews (4)

  • Therapist

    I would highly recommend my couples therapist Jessica Alger. Her website has all her contact info and she is in the financial district. She's especially good at the two person dynamic and counseling for two rather than one. She's honest and very smart and asks the right questions. She's gentle with you but also doesn't avoid getting to the hard heart of the matter stuff.
  • Marriage trouble, couples therapist

    Highly recommend Jessica Alger as a couple's therapist -- you can google her and her site with contact info will come up. She is great at getting to heart of matter and teaching skills. Uses the Gottman Method, which is really good.
  • Re: [ANONYMOUS] Need really (really) good couples therapist

    We had/have a wonderful couples therapist -- Jessica Alger in Lower Manhattan. You can reach her at and her website is: http://www.jessicaalger. com where she has more info about her couples therapy approach (her phone number and email are there too). I've seen my share of therapists in my day and she is the only one that I recommend to others without any reservations or caveats. She's a true professional and really good at what she does -- listening and guiding the conversation to productive places, and I'm sure she's applying a host of other skills that I'm not aware of. I really appreciate that she doesn't try to force an outcome that she wants/her agenda but really tries to focus on what's happening in your situation. She's also not invested in you continuing to be a client forever, which I really appreciate -- she wants to help but ultimately she wants your situation to improve and you to be able to take to your next steps, whatever they may be. We did not have the situation/dynamics that you're describing, and in our case it led to strengthening our relationship a lot and building a solid foundation for a deeper partnership. But I will say that she's not afraid of broaching the question of whether both people are in it -- and all that that means -- and willing to be in it going forward. Good luck.
  • Review from Therapist Survey 2012

    Type of Therapy: Licensed Clinical Social Worker Location:Financial District Sex of Therapist: Female Client Base: Adults (individual therapy), Couples, Special Needs the therapist meets? Couples therapy REVIEW: I saw Jessica Alger for a period of three years starting with a separation from my husband when my child was 3 months old. I was confused about our relationship and sought out Jessica's expertise to gain clarity and come to a resolution as to the viability of our marriage. I had a wonderful experience with Jessica and feel that she helped me to find my own way and own answers. She is extremely empathetic, but also challenges you to take a closer look at your own actions as well as the emotions which underlie them. One of the many things that I valuedd about her was that she was very practical and helped me to find ways to manage by day-to-day life, as well as devise concrete steps to deals with the issues longer term. I would HIGHLY recommend Jessica. Insurance Issues: Jessica does not accept insurance, but she does provide you with the required paperwork to submit the claim yourself.

