
Istanbul Park (Park Slope)
Istanbul Park (Park Slope)


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Reviews (3)

  • Delivery in park slope

    For middle eastern we like Tava (split a platter) or the homemade bread sandwiches at istanbul park on 7th ave.
  • From Dec 2015 Baby Group

    Both Istanbul Park and Scalino's have lunch specials for around $10 and are never too busy.
  • (no subject)

    For child-friendly restaurants you can't beat Istanbul Park on 7th Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets. They are beyond child-friendly -- they actually seem to be delighted to see small children there (which I am definitely NOT at dinner time, so I assume they're faking it). People will come over and engage the kids, introduce themselves, etc. -- not to the point where it's intrusive, but it's definitely not the "Oh God, kids..." look one gets used to seeing on the faces of restaurant employees. The first time we went there my daughter asked for apple juice, and instead of saying they don't have it, someone went into the kitchen and made some apple juice out of a real apple. And Turkish food is delicious and child-friendly--they have a cold appetizer sampler with amazing bread and several dips that will keep any toddler happy--amazing hummus. (October 2011)

