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Reviews (6)

  • Re: Karaoke venue for tween birthday party?

    we used Insa ( for my daughter's birthday, and have been to some other parties there as well. They have private rooms.
  • Re: Karaoke venue for tween birthday party?

    Insa in Gowanus has a bunch of karaoke rooms.
  • Asian restaurants with outdoor seating + good for kids & large group

    Insa Korean in Gowanus has delicious food and is very unique. They have a patio but they also have the ability to create a large table inside. It’s a big room with high ceilings and it’s not quiet - I’d call them and see what they say! Go check it out. It’s quite beautiful and festive.
  • Asian restaurants with outdoor seating + good for kids & large group

    On the Korean front, you could try Insa or HanYeo, both of which are excellent and have large & well done street sheds which might suit your needs.
  • Summary: Korean Fried Chicken

    Insa has great Korean fried chicken.
  • seeking recs for birthday party space for adults

    Here are the recs I got: Karaoke Rooms at Insa

